VDR e s2ram

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VDR e s2ram

Messaggio da jan23 »

Ciao a tutti

fino ad ora ho utilizzato VDR sempre con questo script per lo shutdown

Codice: Seleziona tutto


next_timer="$1"		# time in seconds of next timer
until_timer="$2"	# time in seconds until next timer (may be negative)
timer_channel="$3"	# channel recorded by next timer
timer_fname="$4"	# filename for next recording
manual_shutdown="$5"	# 1 if shutdown reqested by user

test -f /etc/sysconfig/vdr  && . /etc/sysconfig/vdr

if [ "$VDR_SHUTDOWN" = "fast" ]; then

# you need to add the following line to /etc/sudoers to make this script work
# vdr	ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/halt
sudo /sbin/halt $HALT_OPTIONS
Qualcuno saprebbe indicarmi come intervenire (o da dove ripartire! :idea: ) per
ottenere una sospensione su ram?

ciao a tutti
VDR: vdr-2.0.5 (FHS) e 2.1.3 (LCLBLD) su Opensuse-13.1 (x86_64), TT S2-6400, LNB Inverto Twin Black Ultra, rotore Moteck SG-2100